Through Yindjibarndi Nation,
we are harnessing our culture, lore and resources and working together for a better future.
Yindjibarndi Nation Ltd (YNL) was established in late 2022 by the native title representative bodies to develop project delivery capacity for the community. Yindjibarndi Nation’s mission is to deliver lasting solutions to the challenges our community faces. In partnership with other Yindjibarndi entities and stakeholders, we work strategically across three focus areas—community, culture and commerce—to help our people prosper into the future.
Find out about our latest endeavor, the Ganalili Transitional Housing project.

At the Modernisation Agreement signing ceremony. Back, from left to right, Yindjibarndi elders and directors, Margaret Ranger, Pansy Sambo, Lyn Cheedy, Kevin Guiness, Stanley Warrie and Middleton Cheedy. Front: Richard Cohen, managing director of Rio Tinto’s iron ore port and rail services, and Yindjibarndi CEO Michael Woodley.

The Ganalili Transitional Housing project will provide low-cost accommodation for people making the transition into the workforce. The project is expected to be completed by mid-2024 and it will be managed by Yurra.