We strengthen
Building and supporting individual and collective wellbeing through community centred, future focused projects.
Yindjibarndi Nation’s community focus is long-term and strategic, harnessing the strength of Yindjibarndi culture, the wisdom of our elders and the passion of our young people. Our vision is simple: for a unified and cohesive community free from violence and struggle, and with the ability to access opportunity and resources to support our old people and youth, and raise happy, healthy families.
Some of the key projects in the current community portfolio under Yindjibarndi Nation are:
Yindjibarndi Elder, Harry Mills, working the Warndangula Yundu Thalu (Rain Increase tree) at Jirndawurrunha (Millstream), April 2023.
Yindjibarndi Homelands Movement
Having unrestricted opportunity to care for, connect with and manage our homelands is integral to the wellbeing of our people. We are currently supporting projects at Ngurrawaana and Buminjina communities, working to provide sustainable infrastructure to enable ongoing use of our special places.
Yindjibarndi people have long suffered poor living conditions through policies and funding allocation that does not reflect the needs of our community. As a nation, our vision is for every Yindjibarndi person to have a safe and secure place to live.
Nation Building
Strengthening our nation requires consistent and evolving community engagement. Based on best practice Indigenous self-determination and empowerment principles, we are focused on developing a clear and cohesive collective agenda to achieve positive social, cultural and economic outcomes for our community.

We Support
the needs, priorities and aspirations of our community.

We Honour
our Old People and history. by maintaining and protecting our culture and country.

We Celebrate
our Young People by looking to the future, through commercial enterprise and innovation.