
The Yurra Story

Founded in 2013, Yurra is the result of collaboration between the Yindjibarndi People and ALM Landscaping, a successful construction business established in Port Hedland in 2010.

Formed with the shared goal to deliver sustainable procurement benefits to the community, Yurra provides employment and training for the Yindjibarndi people, while driving business, social and economic benefits for the wider community. A testament to the success of the partnership is that all former ALM Landscaping staff and contracts transitioned to become part of the Yurra story.

Yurra is majority owned by all Yindjibarndi people via Yindjibarndi Wealth Pty Ltd, a wholly owned investment entity established for the Yindjibarndi people following the signing of a Land Use Agreement with Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) in July 2013. Yurra’s balance ownership is held by Right Foot Forward Pty Ltd (Liam Wilson), one of the founding Directors and the current CEO.

We are proudly committed to driving long-term, economically sustainable businesses to achieve our goal of delivering positive economic, cultural and community benefits to the people and communities on whose lands we operate.

Image: Yurra workers repair a rail culvert as part of a $20m maintenance contract with Rio Tinto.

Yindjibarndi man Curtis Lockyer, while working on the Ganalili redevelopment.