A message from our CEO
Michael Woodley
Wanthiwa! (hello in Yindjibarndi)
Welcome to this window on the Yindjibarndi Nation, which shows how our community is pursuing self-determination through a strategy that is centred on our unique ‘3C’ approach—community, culture and commerce. This website showcases the journey of our community over the past decades and our vision for the future.
What’s needed to build any nation is a program and a system that moves towards self-determination. There needs to be a pathway of growing people into those opportunities and jobs, and also being a contributor to the nation building model. That is how we change things.
Our structure, as shown in the diagram below, is aimed at delivering benefits to all Yindjibarndi people. Some of what you see here has been in place for some time, like the YCCL trust and Yindjibarndi Capital formed in 2013, but other parts are in the early stage, such as our renewable energy business and our plans for eco-tourism in Millstream.
Even though we have come a long way, we’re not resting on our achievements. We’re now in talks with other commercial and government partners to deliver on ambitious projects that address the housing, employment and health needs of our community.
Whether you be a proud Yindjibarndi individual, someone interested in learning about our Ngurra and culture, or a potential partner, we hope you’ll find a way to play a role in the Yindjibarndi future.
Michael Woodley
CEO, Yindjibarndi Nation Ltd.

Justice Steven Rares, right, with Michael Woodley, left, at the handing down of the native title determination in 2017.
Yindjibarndi Group Structure