Legal fight between Yindjibarndi and Andrew Forrest cuts to the heart of Australia’s native title rights

Welcome to the home of the Yindjibarndi Nation. We are one of the Pilbara’s proud First Nations, maintaining and strengthening our connection to country through the acknowledgement and observance of our traditional lore and customs. Under our lore, our people, our language and our country are not separate, but inextricably related parts making up Yindjibarndi. Through Yindjibarndi Nation, we are harnessing our culture, lore and resources and working together for the future.
Yindjibarndi Nation is working to deliver real and meaningful solutions to many of the challenges our community faces. We work across three focus areas - community, culture and commerce - to help our people prosper into the future.
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that this website contains images of deceased persons.